Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Farm day & other events.

It has been a fun & interesting week in our household. Sunday night was the long anticipated episode of Extreme Home Makeover. US Bowling donated the mini bowling that was put in the family's basement. He helped out during part of the week at the house which was filmed in October & could not believe how many people were there working. He has had lots of inquiries from people who watched the show & now want bowling in their basements. We often get asked if we have bowling in our house. No, for many reasons including we do not bowl or have a basement. We could not even fit mini bowling in our 3,000 sf house.

On Sunday Logan sat up by himself & rolled over, both on the same day. I felt like crying. My baby is getting big & I am not ready for him to be a little boy. I want to keep him a baby as long as I can since he is my last. He is such a happy & cheerful baby. He smiles & laughs a lot showing his cute little dimples.

I asked Emily how school was on Monday & she said, "same old, same old." She is so funny. I usually let her pick a class in the park & recreation catalog. This time she picked a class with parent participation called A Day at the Farm. It lasts 4 Tuesdays & we just had the first class. She got to pet & feed chickens. Since I am deathly allergic I was glad I got out of touching the chickens myself. She also rode a pony which she loves. We did a craft & the parents had to get up & sing & dance with the kids. For city girls we had fun. Next week is cow week, whatever that means! Em wants me to make her a matching cow shirt. This week she wore a shirt with cowgirls & chickens on it. I try to convince her that her clothes do not need to match the event. She did not get her high maintenance ways from me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Family Happenings

I have recently gotten in touch with Ronda a friend from childhood who now lives in Indiana. She has a blog & I enjoyed reading it so much I thought I would give own blog a try. I think it is a great way to keep friends and family up to date on current happenings.

Our kids are getting so big. Emily is 4 years old & Logan is 4 months old. She is a really good big sister. At first I was worried about how she would handle not being an only child. Mark was hoping for a son & Emily wanted a big sister so I knew someone was going to be disappointed. I told Emily God will decided if she gets a brother or sister. She prayed every night for a sister so they could play Barbies together & wear matching pink clothes. I had an ultrasound & found out I was having a boy. Telling Emily was an experience to say the least. She told me that maybe God did not hear her prayers so I should give her his cell phone number to call him just in case. After we convinced her she was getting a brother she told me to give him back. I asked to whom should I give him & Emily responded, "maybe the doctor wants him." When Logan was born on August 28th Emily came to the hospital to see him with my parents & in-laws. She looked at him & said, "I guess he really is a boy." Baby Logan gave her lots of presents for becoming a big sister including a purse & a big girl Barbie bike with training wheels so she decided her brother was okay & we could keep him.