Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Family Happenings

I have recently gotten in touch with Ronda a friend from childhood who now lives in Indiana. She has a blog & I enjoyed reading it so much I thought I would give own blog a try. I think it is a great way to keep friends and family up to date on current happenings.

Our kids are getting so big. Emily is 4 years old & Logan is 4 months old. She is a really good big sister. At first I was worried about how she would handle not being an only child. Mark was hoping for a son & Emily wanted a big sister so I knew someone was going to be disappointed. I told Emily God will decided if she gets a brother or sister. She prayed every night for a sister so they could play Barbies together & wear matching pink clothes. I had an ultrasound & found out I was having a boy. Telling Emily was an experience to say the least. She told me that maybe God did not hear her prayers so I should give her his cell phone number to call him just in case. After we convinced her she was getting a brother she told me to give him back. I asked to whom should I give him & Emily responded, "maybe the doctor wants him." When Logan was born on August 28th Emily came to the hospital to see him with my parents & in-laws. She looked at him & said, "I guess he really is a boy." Baby Logan gave her lots of presents for becoming a big sister including a purse & a big girl Barbie bike with training wheels so she decided her brother was okay & we could keep him.

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